Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bleeding Hearts-Perennial

This plant is a nice addition when small, to front yard gardens. After several years, it will grow to large and will take up too much room in a front garden. The blooms only last a few weeks then the plant will remain green for another 4 weeks. After its season, the stems will turn to mush and pratically melt. The roots need to stay in the soil. I did not buy my original plant. I bought another plant and I noticed a very small different plant growing in the pot so I planted it. The first year it didnt amount to anything-I almost forgot about it. The next year, it grew to a nice size and flowered. It kept growing and within 4 years I had to replant it out back. I now have a cutting that was left, out front. That will soon need to go out back also. This plant does produce a small amount of seeds. It is a very fragile plant so it needs to be placed where nothing can interfer with it.

Good: comes back every year, grows larger every year, has very unique flowers, will give off seeds

Bad: 'very fragile' stems, only flowers for about 4 weeks, green foliage stays around after flowering for about 4 weeks then it turns to mush, no fragrance, does not transplant well

Season: mid May - mid July