Thursday, May 1, 2008


Lilacs have to be trimmed back each year to keep them from getting leggy in the spring. The fragrance that comes off of a lilac bush is incredible! We take cuttings all thru the blooming season and bring them inside.

White lilacs seem to be the most popular sold and this is what I have the most of.....the color does not make the fragrance different.

I have medium purple also. All my lilacs are bunched together so they grow together in one bush.

This one is my favorite. Its a striped purple. It hasnt taken off alot.....which upsets me. This must be a timid strain.

I also have a light purple cutting that I got from my MIL over 20 years ago. Its strill growing strong.

Good: comes back on its own, transplants easily, cuttings take easily, has a beautiful fragrance while blooming, clippings look great in vases, comes in a ton of colors
Bad: grows tall and wide so it needs lots of room, needs yearly prunning
Season: flowers from end of April- early June


Hostas are a good plant to grow where you cant seem to grow anything else. Nothing can kill them. They do not need water, sun, good dirt, or any prunning. As a matter of fact, make sure you really want to grow them before you plant them. They are extremely hard to dig up if you decide you want to move them or do away with them all together.
I suggest Hostas for a border but not for the front yard....they tend to take over a garden and grow much larger each year. Most people have the variegated type which get pink flowers. Mine get white flowers. Hostas are very hardy also. I got my first plant from my MIL over 15 years ago and I have split/replanted that original bush at least 8 times.

This is an example of how the bush grows round. This is not the color I have....I have the color above out back and the variegated out front....(which I regret). I cannot get rid of the Hostas out front! We have tried and tried.
Good: comes back on its own, spreads by producing more bulbs, transplants easily, makes a great border
Bad: is hard to dig up or get rid of, flowers do not last long, flower do not come in a large selection and have no fragrance
Season: flowers from mid June - mid July