Thursday, May 1, 2008


Lilacs have to be trimmed back each year to keep them from getting leggy in the spring. The fragrance that comes off of a lilac bush is incredible! We take cuttings all thru the blooming season and bring them inside.

White lilacs seem to be the most popular sold and this is what I have the most of.....the color does not make the fragrance different.

I have medium purple also. All my lilacs are bunched together so they grow together in one bush.

This one is my favorite. Its a striped purple. It hasnt taken off alot.....which upsets me. This must be a timid strain.

I also have a light purple cutting that I got from my MIL over 20 years ago. Its strill growing strong.

Good: comes back on its own, transplants easily, cuttings take easily, has a beautiful fragrance while blooming, clippings look great in vases, comes in a ton of colors
Bad: grows tall and wide so it needs lots of room, needs yearly prunning
Season: flowers from end of April- early June