Friday, June 15, 2007

Morning Glory-Annual

This vine needs to run! It is beautiful and grows very quickly. The flowers open during the day and close at night. One vine produces tons of seeds. Thinning is needed each year. At year end, pull out entire plant. Spread seeds in fall. Looks great growing up covered porches. Seeds are available at any garden center. My youngest son gave me a pack of seeds for a thank you room mom gift. I poured the entire packet in my front garden (which was a mistake). Less then 6 weeks later, my entire porch was taken over with this vine. It was beautiful but alittle too much for the entire pack. Spread seeds sparringly.

Good: comes back every year, grow from seed, very hardy plant, grows very quickly, at season end entire plant can be removed, comes in a variety of flower colors

Bad: needs to run so a trellis or stakes will be needed, will take over a garden if not watched, no fragrance

Season: late June - October