Thursday, June 14, 2007


These vines are great additions to any yard- back or front or even on a patio. They need a trellis of some kind to grow on. They come in a huge variety of colors and types. Funny thing matter what color I buy, after several years the flowers all turn out purple? My favorite is my 'Josephine' plant. It resembles a star. Isnt it beautiful! They do not have bulbs or seeds that I know of. They do not spread outward, only upward, unless you let them grow amuke! They must be pruned back each fall in order to stay bushy and look nice. These vines do not multiply into new plants. They can be bought at all garden centers, in many sizes. They go great in full sun to full shade. They also grow well in flower pots.

Good: comes back on its own, huge flower varieties, can be a corner filler for all gardens, each flower last about a week, can be cut back 'almost' completely at season end or it can be left as is and will start to grow from what is left.

Bad: is extremely fragile to plant or move, will attach to anything it comes in contact with, no flower fragrance, each variety of plant blooms at different times of the season.

Season: depends on variety: anywhere from early May - late September