Thursday, June 14, 2007


Cleome are great additions to a back yard garden. I do not suggest them for a front yard garden. They grow pretty tall so they need to be placed in the very back of any garden. They are a great fence border. The flower colors range from dark purple, white, light purple, hot pink, and light pink and continuously bloom. One plant will keep alternating flower colors! Initial plants can be bought at almost all garden centers. They spread from seeds gathered from the bean-like seed pods that hang from each plant. I've never seen the seed for sale. Dry seeds and spead before fall or let them spead on their own. They will over run your garden or yard so thinning must be done as they start to grow, each year. You can take vase cuttings and they will last forever. Watch out though.......the stems do have large thorns.

Good: comes back each year on its own, nice variety of flower colors, makes great vase clippings, at season end-pull up and dispose

Bad: has large thorns, can over run a yard if not thinned out, grows very tall, tends to fall over in hard rain, matures in late summer, no flower fragrance, does not transplant well

Season: blooms Mid July - end of October (sometimes later)

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